Hi everyone my name is Dawn and I'm based in the lovely seaside town of Weston-super-Mare in the UK. I'm a natural healer working in a magickal way so go by my business name
I'm thrilled to be able to provide Incense, Herbs, Oils, Spell Candles, Tools for the Craft and Handcrafted Wonders, along with offering Supportive Development through Energy & Magickal Workshops plus organising True Magick Fayres and Shop & Chill Evenings supporting you to walk your true path towards realising that....
'True Magick Comes From The Energy Within'
The Trainings, Workshops, Fayres & Events are brought to you under the banner of...
'True Magick Events'
Please feel free to check out the quick link buttons below which should help you find your way round my website, which is continually being updated as I develop and grow too.
If you have a question or are struggling to find what you are after please do
and I'll do my very best to support you.
Brightest Blessings and Thanks for visiting
Dawn x