Develop Your True Magick Workshops
Develop Your True Magick Workshops
'Finding Your Inner Witch'
Currently being held at:
Banwell - North Somerset
Times: 6:30pm-8:30pm / 10am-2pm / 10am-4pm
Witch 'Crafting' / Develop Your True Magick / Energy Magick & You
Parking: FREE
Join Dawn (The Energy Witch) as she facilitates a workshop to support you in 'Finding Your Inner Witch' and realise 'True Magick Comes From The Energy Within' so come join us for a variety of 'Develop your True Magick Workshops' where you will have the opportunity to learn a basic foundation in the topic along with having some practical experience or have the chance to make something magickal...all materials and handouts will be provided for each workshop
More details can be found HERE
Witches Seasonal Fayres
True Magick 2025 Witches Seasonal Fayres are HERE!
Being Held:
At St Georges Community Centre - WsM
Times: 11am - 4pm
Saturdays: Witches Seasonal fayres for 2025
🪴Witches Spring Fayre 🪴 26th April 🪴
🌻Witches Summer Fayre 🌻 7th June 🌻
🍁Witches Autumn Fayre 🍁 27th September 🍁
❄️Witches Winter Fayre ❄️ 22nd November ❄️
Entry: FREE
Parking: FREE
These are here to support you to Find, Develop & Share YOUR True Magick.
With a fabulous selection of
Stallholders, Therapists, Readers, Refreshment Offers
available for you to visit giving everyone the opportunity to have a magickal and safe space to be who they truly are!
Come and visit our True Magick Witches Seasonal Fayres
More details can be found HERE
Shop & Chill Evenings
True Magick 2025 Shop & Chill Evenings are HERE!
Being Held:
At Banwell Village Hall
Times: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Friday Evenings for 2025
🕯️28th February, 🕯️28th March,
🕯️16th May, 🕯️4th July,
🕯️1st August, 🕯️31st October
Entry: FREE
Parking: FREE
1.5hr workshops available at a cost of £15 including Handouts
Join a lovely group of Readers, Therapist & Traders including a beautiful range of Free Trade Clothing for our
'Shop & Chill Evenings'
in a Truly Magickal, Safe & Relaxing Environment within the beautiful
Banwell Village Hall
What a brilliant way to end a working week and prepare yourself for the weekend
There will also be the opportunity to attend a 1.5hr workshops being held on the evening.
Lightarian Reiki
From Ascended Master Buddha, we have learned that there are a total of eight vibrational bands for the Reiki energy spectrum.
First Band - Usui-based Reiki
Second Band - Karuna Reiki®.
Third to Eighth Bands Bands - Lightarian™ Reiki (Prerequisite Usui Base Reiki up to Master level or Kundalini Reiki )
Beyond the second band, there are six additional higher bands of Reiki energy, called Lightarian™ Reiki, which offer the most powerful healing energies available from Master Buddha also connecting you to Gaia, The Godhead, Ascended Master Buddha and Ascended Master Sananda.
Inspired by Ascended Master Buddha, Lightarian™ Reiki has come forth now to accelerate the healing process for humanity...focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of others.
Through your enhanced and expanded attunement connection with Ascended Master Buddha, you will also personally benefit in your own healing process...by raising your personal vibration as you step through the six levels of the Lightarian™ Reiki program.
It uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui-based and Karuna® Reiki modalities.
Each level will be sent via distance at an agreed time and day. There needs to be at least 30 days between each level.
More Information can be found HERE
Lightarian™ Courses
A range of higher vibration Energy Attunements provided in line Lightarian™ Institute...
Since 1997 the Lightarian™ programs have provided simple, effective and powerful celestial connections!
Many of us are here to learn and grow through the human experience as preparation for bringing more Light into this plane. We are here to refine and expand our talents and abilities to serve as spiritual teachers, energy workers, healers, communicators, and ambassadors…all to support the global-human ascension-descension process that is unfolding here.
Light is everything; everything is Light.
Lightarian™ Attunements Available:
Lightarian™ Reiki
Lightarian™ Angel Links
Lightarian™ Angel Links Extension
Lightarian™ Rays
Lightarian™ Purification Rings
Lightarian™ Gateway
More Information can be found HERE
Energy Attunements
A range of Distant Energy Attunements Dragon, Angelic and more....
More Information can be found HERE
Reiki Courses
Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2
Holy Fire® III
'Self Healing - Practitioner'
I am no longer offering this course but can recommend some of my fellow master who have trained directly with me for any courses you may be interested in.
Please Get In Touch until to be connected
Usui Reiki Level 3
Holy Fire® III
'Master Practitioner'
Upgrades from Usui Reiki to Usui Reiki Holy Fire® III ready for your Master Reiki is available on a needs basis - usually held in September or February