This is great little pack if you are starting on your journey or just want a basic 'top up' so that you have a selection of the basic spell candles you would need
Contents 12 x Candles as below Candle Colour Meanings:
- 2 x White - Destruction of Negative Energy, Peace, Truth and Purity
- 1 x Purple - Spiritual Awareness, Wisdom, Tranquility, Intuition, Paranormal, Peace, Healing
- 1 x Dark Blue and 1 x Light Blue - Meditation, Healing, Forgiveness, Inspiration, Fidelity, Happiness, and Opening Lines of Communication.
- 1 x Green - Money, Fertility, Luck, Abundance, Health, Success
- 1 x Pink - Positive Self Love, Friendship, Harmony, Joy
- 1 x Yellow - Realizing and Manifesting Thoughts, Confidence, Bringing Plans into Action, Creativity, Intelligence, Mental Clarity, Clairvoyance.
- 1 x Orange - Joy, Energy, Education, Strength, Attraction, Stimulation
- 1 x Red - Passion, Energy, Love, Lust, Relationships, Sex, Vitality, Courage.
- 2 x Black - Protection, Absorption and Destruction of Negative Energy and also Repelling Negative Energy from Others
12 Spell Candles - Variety