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Kit Comprises of:

  • White Sage Cleansing Stick
  • Palo Santo Stick
  • Abalone Shell
  • Pouch
  • Cleansing Guidelines


California White Sage California white sage. Salvia Apiana on grows near the Pacific coast of Southern California and is gathered ethically by indiginous people and shipped directly to us in the U.K.


California white sage is extremely good for clearing negative energies and entities from your home, items and person as it totally neutralises the space.


How do I use my Smudge Stick?
Firstly, light your smudge stick or loose leaves if you have chosen to break off fragments of your smudge stick into a container. Wait a moment, then blow out the flames. Try to fan the embers lightly to keep them smoldering (you may have to re-light your stick). You can then use the smoke to cleanse a person, property or spaces - you can use a shell or a heat resistant container to catch the ashes. 


The Palo Santo sold here is all ethically sourced


Palo Santo literally means holy wood and is, just as white sage, originate from the native Indians in South America. Centuries ago they already used it during ceremonies to clear the aura and to heal from negative influences.


In Europe too, people choose to buy the holy wood to clean their houses or just for the fragrances in its purest form.


The fragrance can be described as a warm, wooden and lightly aroma with a sweet touch that sometimes slip trough.


In comparison with white sage (that is also used for the same purpose), Palo Santo gives off a very mild odor.


Palo Santo is great for clearing the negative and bringing in the positive so a fabulous form of smudging to maintain a fairly balanced environment at home or in a holistic centre. We can't imagine anybody who wouldn't be charmed by the natural and therefore spiritual smell.


These Abalone Shells are great for using to extinguish your sage smudge sticks in your smudging rituals and can be used for burning charcoal discs for resins - NB place sand in the shell prior to putting the hot charcoal disc into the shell.


Abalone are a type of mollusk similar to clams and oysters and the mother-of-pearl bearing shells are traditionally used in native American rituals, as it is believed that the combination of sage and shell would carry their messages up to heaven


Abalone shells carry protectional energies and bring with them emotional balance, generating a natural shielding to the user

Cleansing Kit in Black Pouch

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